Training and public speaking

TD_rostrum_portraitI have been providing highly-effective training for more than twenty years. Blue chip plcs, local authorities and voluntary organisations have been among my clients (listed below) and I have worked in the UK, Ireland and Europe. I currently run courses on: persuasive speaking and presentation; eBook publishing; strategies for maximum media coverage; and ‘don’t kill cyclists’ (intended for lorry drivers). See below for some of the courses that I have developed, run, and reactions from trainees.

I am always on the look out for new clients and am happy to step in to deliver courses for others, at short notice, if need be. Email or call to discuss your requirements informally:, 07984 165251.

If you want to see how I present, here is an interview that I gave in January 2017 to Euronews about the implications for journalists of the Investigatory Powers Act (you may have to watch an advertisement.

 Digital journalism skills workshop


I devised, marketed and ran the NUJ’s highly successful Digital Journalism Skills Workshop.  It delivered an immersive, one-day experience of digital reporting opportunities and techniques.  @PanPylas, who works for AP, Tweeted: “In 22 years as a journalist that was the best day’s training I’ve had” (see more at #nujdigitalskills).  More than half of all participants gave the event five stars out of five, 85 per cent of participants rated it four or higher.

eBooks for Health, Wealth and Happiness

Makeebookspaycover3Evening course delivered for the Guild of Health writers covering all aspects of eBook publishing including manuscript origination, cover design, editing and proofreading, promotion, marketing and sales.  Evaluation responses were overwhelmingly positive including the following comments: “learned a lot from your experience and research”, “I came away with renewed enthusiasm”, and “informative, lively and very interesting”.

Making Internet Journalism Pay

Making Internet Journalism Pay is a one-day course aimed at anyone who wants to earn money from publishing editorial material on the net.  Based on an in depth analysis of how dozens of successful web publishers profit from their work, it includes buy levaquin 500 mg instruction in basic concepts such as click-through advertising, affiliate advertising, paywall/subscription models, ‘shop windows’, ePublishing, iPad publishing and content farming.  The course also provides basic instruction in setting up a blog, posting Google ads and setting up affiliate accounts.

The course has run successfully for three years, and is constantly updated.

It is currently promoted by The National Union of Journalists.  Course dates can be found here.

Positive headlines without egg on your face

I have provided tailored media training for numerous organisations that wanted to help their staff to take their message to the media.  Areas covered can include: where news come from, what drives the news agenda, writing a press release, developing relationships with journalists and dealing with difficult questions.  Courses can be tailored to focus on specialist, local or national media.

Previous clients include: The Royal Bank of Scotland, The Bank of Scotland, Edinburgh Council for Voluntary Services, The Labour party, and The National Union of Students.

Sharing the road with aliens – or everything that lorry drivers want to know about cyclists, but were afraid to ask

Course developed on behalf of Wilson James Limited to help lorry drivers in London better understand how and why cyclists behave as they do and to promote strategies to promote safer road sharing.

Sean McKeeman, health and safety adviser Wilson James: “We asked Tim to develop a module that would give lorry drivers an insight into why London cyclists behave as they do on the road, and to reinforce some of the strategies that they are already using to minimise the risk of accidents.  The session he delivered was fun, thought provoking and gave our drivers a perspective that I am sure will make them safer road users.”

Previous training clients

The Guild of Health Writers, HBOS, The Royal Bank of Scotland, The Labour party, The National Union of Journalists, The National Union of Students, Acanthus Architects, Wilson James plc, the Victoria and Albert Museum, and the International Federation of Journalists.